Thursday, July 31, 2014

What’s good?

I was contracting on a pretty tough project at the time, and got a request for a meeting with one of the consultants in the firm that was sub-contracting me out to the client. In hind-sight, I think he was on the bench and they just wanted to keep him busy, but his supposed aim was to get a pulse on the consultants and what was/wasn’t working.

I still clearly remember when he asked me how happy I was in the role on a scale of 1 to 10 and I replied with “7”. “Oh, that’s great” he said.

No it’s not.

7 is meh.

Having previously experienced awesome, I knew how un-awesome the current role was.

I quite like the simplicity of the net-promoter scoring system.

Essentially there is only 1 question  - How likely would you be to recommend the service/product to someone else. The ranking is out of 10 and the scoring gives you an indication of who is a detractor, a passive or a promoter. You want promoters.  You want your team out there talking to friends about what an awesome place it is to work.

So based on my scoring, I was passive about the company (which was true - I wasn't exactly running around raving about it to my friends). 

If you’re an employer or a leader at a company and your staff are ranking your workplace a 7, You’re better than that.