That may have got lost in translation...
If you ever hear the phrase "ideal man days" walk away from that project. Using project estimation techniques derived from traditional manufacturing and engineering methodologies no longer hold true.
What on earth is a man day/hour anymore?
So how else can you measure/estimate a project? How do you know when you'll be done?
Story points CAN be your savior. Used correctly they can abstract the complexity of the work from the seconds/minutes involved to complete the tasks.
Or they can bite you in the ass.
It's a great way to get management to focus on prioritizing features based on size. It allows them to prioritize without requiring in depth work breakdowns. It's also a horrible way to track daily progress.
If you start hearing phrases like:
"I need 21 points accepted today to keep on track"
"That was at least 1/2 a days work - you need to up the points"
"So 1 pont = 1 hour right?"
You're missing the point.