Let's listen in on a conversation I have with myself regarding Change Request Processes.
For this example, My personality has been split in two: Three Letter Acronym (TLA Me) and Agile (Ninja Me).
Ninja Me: Why do you have need a Change Request Process?
TLA Me: So I can document when we have deviated from our original plan
Ninja Me: Couldn't you just have a quick chat with the Product Owner and Team and if they agree it makes sense, just re-prioritize the order you're doing things?
TLA Me: But it needs to be traceable
Ninja Me: So make sure you log it. Or use a system that has it for free.
TLA Me: But all the stakeholders need to be aware, and then we have to re-plan, and re-estimate.
Ninja Me: Hasn't everyone already agreed it needs to happen? If you have a definitive finish date, then whatever was at the bottom of the list just became less likely.
TLA Me: Ah-Hah! That's exactly why. We just changed scope and impacted dates!
Ninja Me: You're also delivering what the customers and stakeholders actually want- not what they asked for months ago.
TLA Me: But won't I get in trouble?
Ninja me: So this is about CYA?
TLA: Hey, TLA's are my job
Ninja Me: Sorry. My bad. How much time do you spend chasing down Change requests, re-estimating it and re-drawing the project plan?
TLA Me: Most of my day
Ninja Me: And you get Developers and testers to help you with the documentation, task breakdowns and estimates?
TLA Me: Of course - otherwise it wouldn't be accurate
Ninja Me: So who's doing any work?
TLA Me: Let me look at my project plan. I'll get back to you.
I need to drink less coffee...